Saturday, April 30, 2005

Bay leaves

This morning, Tyka, Maren, Maren's dad, and I participated in an activity that shall not be named. I wished I had a camera so I could create a little photo essay for you. It would have looked something like this:

- a sign on the waterfront reading: "caution: water may be contaminated by sewage following rainfall"
- a gaggle of men fishing in a boat in our beautiful river
- a shot of our typically cloudy skies

Maren has the busiest social calendar of anyone I know. She had four eventful thing scheduled for today. When I have a free Saturday, it's generally spent in sloth with some moderate socializing. I remain impressed by the maren-ness of Maren.

After our morning date with Maren, we proceeded to church where we were splashed with water, sprinkled with bay leaves, and fed the manna that is fruit, nuts, bread and port wine. It all leaves you rather exulting and living on a slightly different wavelength.

Caution: the following is what happens when you're giddy and tired and you decide your god-daughter needs an Easter dress:

You go to the Hanna Andersson outlet, the most dangerous place on earth. You intend to purchase one (1) cute dress that fits an almost-two-year-old.

You deliberate between this (in pink) and a cute blue linen sundress (no photo, being outlet and all).

While deliberating, you notice that everything in the women's section is 50% off. Hmm, you've been wanting some long john pants, you think. You find these in orange and white.

Then you find this for $15! Notice how much it costs on the website? Yeah. But for $15? Sold.

You grab a plain brown long sleeve shirt that's practical. You make a last chance phone call to Toni hoping for words of wisdom. No answer. You can't decide between the two dresses for Q, so you get them both.

And that, my friends, is why Hanna Andersson is cotton crack. Toni still says she wants to go there next time she's in town. I think I'll have to leave my wallet at home for that trip.


Blogger toni said...

1. i love the dress you bought.
2. you call me toni now? that's new.
3. i hate you and maren and katy. i'm sorry.

6:23 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

I know you hate us. I'm sorry, too. Yeah, I just felt like calling you Toni. It IS your name, so I guess it's not that strange. I'm glad you like the dress. I'm contemplating wearing it tonight instead of the outfit I had planned, but I just need a sweater to throw over it (bare shoulders in church! horrors!)

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya know, hate is a really strong word. My mom always taught me to save that word for people like Hitler. I hope our 'activity' hasn't brought us down to the ranks of someone like that. We LOVE you!

9:39 AM  
Blogger toni said...

okay, i don't hate you. i just don't think y'all need to FLAUNT what you've been doing lately. that's all.

10:48 AM  
Blogger Beege said...

WHERE is there a Hannah Anderson outlet????

I love their clothes, but refuse to pay retail for them. I think they're too expensive. But I'd love to snoop through a HA outlet...

2:29 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

has a list of hanna locations, including the outlets. There's one here, in Lake Oswego, and one in MN - maybe you could get to that one when you move? Or visit ours next time you're at your parents'?

11:37 PM  

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