Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Personal History


Self Portrait Tuesday's theme this month is tripping me up a little bit. It SOUNDS so easy. I just kept scrolling through all my pictures, finding nothing in particular to say about any of them. This one, though, says something to me because it wasn't all that long ago. If this were part of the GRE, I would make some elaborate example about how I've changed in a short time, blah blah. That the small changes can be more potent than the big ones. But I can't just say that because it's sappy and I'm not. At least not here. Not often. But this picture, yes, does make me sappy happy. And kind of blows my mind because that tiny baby in the picture will have another tiny baby join the family. And in that time, what's happened in my life? A whole lot of nothing, in the big picture (I graduated from college inbetween when Q was born and that picture was taken), but it's all about the details. This morning I suffered through the GREs with the hopes of one day going to library school. And now my tiny glass of wine is proving overpowering and it's time for me stop thinking. Happy Tuesday. Posted by Picasa


Blogger BabelBabe said...

Um, Jess - come to Pittsburgh. Pitt does NOT require the GREs. One BIG reason i went there : )
And I can help you find a cool place to live, and you can hang out with me and Gina. You'll be done in three semesters if you do it full-time. Doesn't that all sound enticing?

2:35 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

It does sound enticing. And I see that applications are done on a rolling basis with no deadlines. Hmm. Let's see if UW welcomes me with open arms or brutally rejects me. Three semesters...that also makes it, um, cheaper than UW. Tell me more?

11:05 AM  
Blogger BabelBabe said...

three full-time semesters - that's four classes a semester, so heavy but doable. you can wrap it up in a year. there are 3 core classes, and two more required from a group of about six; also different specialties - med, kids', archives - offered. their digitalization option is weak though. they're not terribly tech-savvy which i found disappointing.

they're fairly generous with financial aid, too, or at least were three years ago when i was there.

come to the dark side...

2:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But Jess, if you come to UW, you can take a reader's advisory class with Nancy Pearl! And our many top of the line computers are luscious.

7:18 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Well, the only place I've applied is UW...it's mainly a question of residential vs distance at the moment - I applied residential and I'm gonna see how I feel by the time the distance deadline rolls around.

11:21 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

So? How do you feel?

2:05 PM  

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