Saturday, May 07, 2005

But my lips hurt real bad

My mind is fairly blank at the moment. There's some little thoughts of sunshine in there, and a stroll through the neighborhood. I'm looking at the tree outside my window that earlier some girls were trying to climb. We had a few girls from church over for a tea party. I started to feel like I was, oh, ten. I was even persuaded to try and jump to reach a particular branch. I failed, but the words that came out of my mouth were "I bet I could do it if I were wearing different shoes and pants instead of a skirt." Yes. I'm ten. Remember when I got my ears pierced and felt thirteen? I think I'm regressing. Anyway, put a plate of petit-fours in front of a six year old, a seven year old, and a ten year old and watch them disappear. And strawberries and cream...mmm.

I'm drowsy Saturday afternoon mood now...drinking a little coffee, curling up on the couch, the intro song from Napoleon Dynamite stuck in my head. What am I going to do with myself this afternoon?

Whatever I feel like I want to do. Gosh!



Blogger Beege said...

I read somewhere a theory that everyone is 25 on the inside--which is why people look around when they turn 50 and think, "What the hell happened?"

My response to the theory is this: TWENTY-FIVE?! There are people out there that feel twenty-five inside? 'Cuz dude: on a good day, I feel about 15. Most days: 12.

2:45 PM  

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