Sunday, May 01, 2005

Oh dark thirty

There's only one night a year when I get home at 4:30 am and don't feel like going to bed. That's tonight. Or this morning. Or whatever. Your sense of time gets all warped, and things that happened this morning feel like days ago. And you walk to your car and you say "see you tomorrow...uh, I mean later today!"

I napped from about 6:30 till 10. That was delicious. I think I'll go take another nap now.

Also delicious was the Ethiopian food I snagged at the potluck. Mmm, meat. I didn't even have any dessert. Uh-oh. I might have to remedy that now. Although, really, I'm totally full. I'll just wait till tomorrow and have candy for breakfast. After a delicious cup of creamy B&B, that is!

More tomorrow I hope, but I really have a rather Maren-ish social calendar - I've been invited to three meals within a 5 hour time frame, followed by a dessert potluck. Life is rough, isn't it?

Christ is Rice!

Oops, I mean Christ is Risen!


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