A question, gentle readers

If you were me, and this were your duvet cover, what color sheets would you buy? I've got white ones, which I like, but I can't handle the "one set" stress anymore. You know, where you decide it's time to wash them, and you throw them in the wash, and then you get home at 9:30 at night and eat dinner and watch some 24 (because you're addicted, yes?) and check some blogs and then it's time for bed and...the sheets are still wet and you have no back up set. Okay, so I'm not quite that bad, but I live in fear.
(A different picture so you can see the patterns up close.)
Cast my vote for the baby blues...
How about a nice warm brown. Yum.
Something that picks up one color on the duvet...like one shade of the green stripey. Or the lighter blue on the flowery patch...
i second the green vote. the purple would probably be hard to match, but since there are two shades of green, you can be a bit less precise.
i'd go light blue or the light green. :)
I'd go with a celery green, just because that's my favorite color in the duvet. And I love celery green
too funny. check blackbird's blog today - she is the sheet guru : )
oh, and pale blue. or blue and white striped/patterned you can mix and match with the white ones...
Yeah, I only have one set of sheets too. It can be a pain, but our closets are small.
I am partial to warm browns. And brown won't ever show stains ....
Pale blue flannel....
from LLBean.
heh heh,
the sheet guru
What's even more frustrating is when you actually DO have clean sheets, but they are actually for the twin sized mattress set you owned two years ago and don't even remotely fit the queen sized mattress set you "borrowed" from your ex-roommate's guest bedroom and never gave back. But of course you don't realize that they don't fit until you've tried to make them fit five ways from Sunday for about 20 minutes. Good times.
Or when you have lots of queen size sheets from when you had a futon, but which are saggy baggy on the current double size bed.
Oh sorry. You had a question, didn't you? Okay, um ... green. Definitely. Absolutely. (But you will have to paint over the yellow side table). Or dark brown. Then no painting required.
I think Blue too - to pick up on the colours - gorgeous duvet cover btw!
Sal xxx
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