Thursday, November 17, 2005

book report

My laptop no longer wishes to be wireless in the dining room. Only in my room, and on occasion, the living room. This has led to two batches of oatmeal - in a row - sticking to the bottom of the pan as I attempt to juggle email, blogs, The Chronicles of Narnia, coffee without cream, and oatmeal simultaneously.

I think my favorite thing about CS Lewis is the little asides. Things like, "If you ever have the luck to go to Narnia yourself, do not forget to have a look at those caves." (I mean, really, who could read that as an eight year old and not expect to find herself in Narnia someday?)

Or, "Walks after the first halt - like school mornings after break or railway journeys after changing trains - never go on as they were before."

And yes, I've been reading more than just Mr. Lewis. I just finished, and would like you pass on to you (not in a literal sense, sadly, since the item in question is (gasp) overdue at my place of employment) The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, by Anne Fadiman. It's worth having out overdue, even if you're one of those unfortunate souls that must pay late fees. I must've seen a million and two copies of it in the campus bookstore for anthropology classes, but it took a personal recommendation to get me reading. I'm not much of a non-fiction reader but this kept me hooked.


Blogger Annie said...

Jess, my sister has been recommending that to me for months and months! Why is it that some personal recomendations move us to act more than others?

1:43 PM  
Blogger BabelBabe said...

i'm so glad you liked it. i don't do a whole lot of nonfiction but i love anne fadiman's writing. i read Ex Libris first and she totally hooked me.

12:27 AM  

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