Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm sorry. Forgive me. I love you.

Mollie is curled up under my desk with her head resting on my sewing basket and her eyes gazing longingly at me. I have financial matters to sort and letters to write and schedules to rearrange and I lack the ability to motivate myself. If someone offered me a slice of bacon I would take it, gladly. I've developed a mild addiction to Grey's Anatomy. Unfortunately I know a spoiler from season two. Two more months.

I'm thinking about painting my room. Maybe a sagey green. Maybe a cool blue. It's small and gets no direct sunlight - just light bouncing off the white wall opposite my window that is my only view. There's too much empty wall space and if I hang more pictures it will just look cluttered. And the living room/dining room/kitchen are all warm glowy colors, so some contrast would be pleasant. But I don't want it to feel dark.

I just finished The Goose Girl. Ever since Beauty (I always feel the need to link to the same cover that I read/own) I've had a soft spot for good fairy tale retellings. Not that I particularly recall the story of the goose girl from Grimm, but a delightful read nonetheless. I read Princess Academy by the same author as TGG for the mock Newbery (horrible, horrible title, fun read) and I think she does better with the fairy tale structure. The plot got a little thin in PA, although she has a lovely sense of imagery and language and imagined details. Anyway, recommended for all you fairy tale types.

I just started Kalpana's Dream this morning and I can't remember who recommended it or where I heard about it. Anyone want to fess up?


Blogger Jess said...

I've read quite a bit of Atwood but not that one in particular.

I READ DADDY LONG LEGS. I must've just mentioned it in a comment. I will post to that effect immediately.

8:16 AM  

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