B-22 Cult
In other news, the weekend is rapidly approaching. That means that for the first time since September, Laurel, Lis, Toni & I will be in the same place at the same time. (Do we have a name, girls? I was going to call us the B-22 Cult but that's Bif, too. And we had Maren we lived together.) That same place will be the Meet & Greet section of the Portland Airport, where TnE and I will attempt to recognize Laurel and speculate on how she might have changed over the past 8-9 months. As in, "Maybe that's Laurel. If she had a baby and dyed her hair." Or, "Maybe that's her. If she got a mysterious disease that aged her forty years." You know, the usual.
I'm trying to muster some thoughtful, friendshippy words, but all it basically comes down to is that I can't wait to have us all together, and to do our thing. I'm not very eloquent at the moment, but I love them more than gold or silver.
[I interrupt this programming for a newsflash: I just discovered a rather large smear of butter on my arm. I have no idea how it got there. I haven't been near any butter. Katy, have you been laying butter traps again?]
-jessmonster, cult member
i haven't even read this post yet. i'm commenting only on the title. i could read it and maybe it will turn out different than i expected. but i'm excited - anything starting out with "b22 cult" sounds good to me!
yes. the post was good. thank you. i'm excited to be there!
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