Friday, June 03, 2005

It proved to be a huge, stranded whale

I watched Whale Rider for the first time the other night and was pleasantly surprised. I guess I liked how dark it was. Not dark dark, but it wasn't sappy. There was crying, and grunting, and beached whales.

Speaking of beached whales...when I was maybe ten, my dad read The Swiss Family Robinson to Lucy and me. I was disgusted by scene where they cut open the beached whale. I made Dad skip that chapter.

Fast forward to a few years ago, when Lu and I are standing on the beach and she reveals that she has an irrational fear of beached whales. Immediately my mind hits on the picture below. While I was grossed out by the blubber, Lu developed a fear of whales beaching themselves. She gets all squirmy if you talk about it, and says it's the first thing she looks for when we go to the beach.

I can't wait to show her Whale Rider.

I really think she'll love it. Especially when the whole pod beaches itself? Yeah. And when she rides the whale?

Although, I'll have to get her past the title. I doubt she'd watch anything with "whale" in the title.


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