fairy tales
I don't sleep in anymore. I lost my ability to sleep in, so I claim, upon graduating with a BA. I can keep strange hours, and be lazy, but I can't really sleep more than 8 hours, or 9 tops. Sometimes I cheerfully wake up with less than that (although not too cheerfully).
This morning I woke up at 10am.
After going to bed around 11:30pm.
Okay, on to more interesting topics. Does anyone else out there just absolutely love Trina Schart Hyman's illustrations? I think I first ran across her in...great. She's dead. Died in November. I hate it when you find out things like that.
Anyway, I first saw her illustrations in Caddie Woodlawn. I also had a strange fondness for this book as a teen. The picture of the house alone was enough for me. I've always been able to spot her illustrations from a great distance - the earnest girls with their hair billowing, the fairy tale forests...Last night at the library I was shelving fairy tales and saw her version of Sleeping Beauty, which I had to stop and read, sitting on the floor in the 398's.
I adored fairy tales as a child. One of my early memories is acting out Rumpelstiltskin with my mom. I devoured most of Andrew Lang's fairy books. And then, I stopped liking fairy tales. Probably around the same time I stopped reading only fantasy and historical fiction and starting reading contemporary fiction. High school/college? A few months ago I picked up a book about the Grimm Brothers, talking about all the women they gathered stories from, and suddenly fairy tales sounded fascinating again.
This morning I woke up at 10am.
After going to bed around 11:30pm.
Okay, on to more interesting topics. Does anyone else out there just absolutely love Trina Schart Hyman's illustrations? I think I first ran across her in...great. She's dead. Died in November. I hate it when you find out things like that.
Anyway, I first saw her illustrations in Caddie Woodlawn. I also had a strange fondness for this book as a teen. The picture of the house alone was enough for me. I've always been able to spot her illustrations from a great distance - the earnest girls with their hair billowing, the fairy tale forests...Last night at the library I was shelving fairy tales and saw her version of Sleeping Beauty, which I had to stop and read, sitting on the floor in the 398's.
I adored fairy tales as a child. One of my early memories is acting out Rumpelstiltskin with my mom. I devoured most of Andrew Lang's fairy books. And then, I stopped liking fairy tales. Probably around the same time I stopped reading only fantasy and historical fiction and starting reading contemporary fiction. High school/college? A few months ago I picked up a book about the Grimm Brothers, talking about all the women they gathered stories from, and suddenly fairy tales sounded fascinating again.
I've been into fairy tales again because my four-year-old is quickly advancing past the picture book stage. Some of them are so gruesome, but some of them are great. We have a book called The Outspoken Princess and the Gentle Knight, of "modern" fairytales that he really enjoys too. And having posted about the bloodthirstiness of the classic fairy tales a few days ago, I now need to dig out my Bruno Bettelheim for his take.
I find that often the illustrations for fairy tales are just exquisite. I think because they are so rich in detail and imagery.
Hey, whoa! I'm linked from your site! Thank you!
I really need to update my links from my blog. I'm working Saturday : )
No problem - I figure if I comment as much as I do on your site, that calls for a link for sure.
hmmm..i went to bed sometime after 5am and work up around 7:15am. lots of sleep, huh?
That sounds like such a delicious amount of sleep. It must have something to do with graduating and that elusive BA, because let me tell you, I'll be a senior in a month and I am NEVER EVER caught up on sleep.
And fairy tales pretty much rock my face off.
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