Monday, March 21, 2005


This cold has gone to my head and I can't think or blog straight anymore. Let's try to catch up, shall we?

Saturday was a veritable whirlwind of purchasing. I bought a bed off craig's list, dropped it off at home (blocking my closet), and proceeded directly to Sheets & Shit (otherwise known as Linens & Things) for my bedding needs. I spent more on bedding than I did on the bed. It'll be twice as much by the time I'm done. And why aren't I done? The shocking lack of decent duvet covers. Shocking. Really. I almost had a meltdown in Target - low blood sugar and no duvet covers are a BAD combination. Don't try it.

But it's all so exciting! Now I can work on hacking up that lung in the comfort of a double bed - a bed! with a mattress and a boxspring and a frame! - instead of in the discomfort of a five year old twin futon. I get to swing my legs out of bed in the morning! And sleep with my notebook on the pillow next to me! Well, it doesn't get a pillow, I use both of them. But you know, figuratively speaking.

I keep having dreams that could be real and I have trouble sorting out the truth from the dream when I wake up. This would be really great if the dreams were at all interesting or exciting, but they're not.

I combated squalor today by: cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, clearing the dining room table, and making my bed. I also made it through both jobs without succumbing this plague I've caught. It finally occurred to me today that hey, I can take something for this nasty cold. I never take anything beyond some zinc and extra vitamin C.


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