Friday, April 08, 2005

Quote night

In no particular order, all while having snacks and drinks at the Rose & Raindrop tonight:

Tyka: "Whenever I see a red coat, I think of Schindler's List. And then the rest of the world goes black and white, and it's like that for the rest of the day."

Teeth: "I think this onion is genetically modified."

Tyka: "I've been exfoliating like my plane's going down."

Tyka: "Sorry, can I change my order from the dessert to a side of fries?"
(After causing the waiter to spend an inordinate amount of time at our table, answering questions, describing beers, and waiting for us to decide.)

Cause that's just the kind of night it was.

And work this week has involved: burnt popcorn, an iodine spill, dry ice, talking to a $4000 scanner, irate customers, customers who say "God bless you" as they leave (while I appreciate the sentiment, the glazed look in her eye did not endear her to me), being left alone all day during my second week at a new job, cruise tips, and a LOT of pistachios. And this was just one of my jobs.


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