Friday, June 17, 2005

Why don't you throw one more tub of animal crackers in the cart, sweetie?

At Costco today, they had samples of their delicious cream puffs. Those things are good. Why then, at Costco of all places, were they slicing the cream puffs in half before sticking a toothpick in them and offering them up for consumption?

I have a little love/hate relationship with Costco. First of all, I don't have a card. I borrow Katy's and sneak in - no one looks too closely, thank goodness, and we're both young women with dark hair. That's about all you can see in the picture anyway.

I go there from time to time to buy things like massive cubes of toilet paper, and bagels, and laundry detergent, and 24 hand towels and 24 washcloths. When I'm there, my urge to walk up & down every aisle starts to fight against my hatred for massive quantities of stuff and low-quality ice cream and non-organic milk.

The only way I survive standing in line is by examining the contents of my neighbors' carts. Today I saw a woman with six tubs of animal crackers in her cart. Six. Costco sized. I sincerely hope & pray that they were intended as snacks for an animal cracker convention and not for consumption by her family.

Or there was the man with a massive package of animal parts (pork maybe?) and some paper towels. That was it.

But then again, I suppose some people might be wondering what I intended to do with twenty-four hand towels.


Blogger toni said...

lis might say something mean about people who shop at costco right now. but i won't.

all i'll say is this: i LOVE looking in shopping carts at any sort of store, but costco is where my shopping cart voyerism really has its hayday.

5:23 PM  

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