This is what happens when you start cleaning out your closets. You find things like the bag you used in high school, which is approximately 1/100 of the size of the bag you use now. Also, the wallet, it has swollen as well. The real question, though, is why I still have them. And why there was one contact lense, in its little jar, in the bag.
Friday, June 10, 2005
This is what happens when you start cleaning out your closets. You find things like the bag you used in high school, which is approximately 1/100 of the size of the bag you use now. Also, the wallet, it has swollen as well. The real question, though, is why I still have them. And why there was one contact lense, in its little jar, in the bag.
No, the rug.
Miraculously, we happen to be in the house at the same time RIGHT NOW. Give us 20 minutes and I'll be gone.
The internet, bless it, allows us to remain in close communication even when Katy is working and I'm lounging around the house.
I love those purses! :)
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