Tuesday, August 16, 2005

blog fodder weekend

I'm sitting here chewing on a piece of mango and I think to myself, why not blog about the beach? Why not indeed?

1. My entire birthday celebration happened this weekend. Birthday, you say? Actually, it hasn't happened yet. In fact, today I had to think hard before realizing the fact that it's actually next Monday (donations in lieu of flowers, please) and not already come and gone. With my family I ate a lovely salmon, roasted red potato, and home-grown corn on the cob dinner (with non-home grown ingredients coming from "the Four Seasons" as my dad was quick to point out. That would be the grocery store that the rest of the world refers to as New Seasons. My father is, um, special). I also got a present! Can you guess what? And I'm sharing it with all of you!

2. Despite being almost-native Oregonians (here's a confession - when I see people with that little bumper sticker of an Oregon license plate that says "native," I am jealous. Aren't I a native at heart? Sadly, not in reality) we mis-packed for the beach. We've been living in the 90s. We were just getting used to how to dress for Summer Weather. And then the beach is cool. Chilly. Cloudy. Foggy. Absolutely gorgeous, in other words, but we were unprepared. I had a long sleeved shirt. Beth had a sweatshirt. Bronwen had a jacket and a sweater. Katy had, um, tank tops and shorts.

(By the way, that whole bit earlier about the mango is now a complete lie, since it's hours later and I've been out and had a gin and tonic (just like the queen) and come back home.)

3. Due to our lack of adequate textile preparation, we spent a lot of time indoors. We had some activities planned, like drunken Pictionary, but that was abandoned in favor of just talking. And talking some more. And eating.

4. (Being some things we talked about, in alphabetical order) Adoption, Aging, Alcoholism, Bearing One Another's Burdens, Bloggers, Depression, Education, Frivolous Laughter, Idle Talking, Lewis and Clark, Living in Sin, Mental Illness, Names, Parents, Politics, Relationships, Retirement, Secret Eating, Sex, Siblings, Waldorf Schools, Water Tower Houses.

5. We had heard rumors that there were a lot of birds in Seaside. Due to an excess of anchovies, according to our sources. We saw no anchovies, but there were in fact a large number of birds. See photo below, an attempt to capture the bird swooping overheadedness. It was a miracle there was no poop in our hair.

6. We found two parallel lines of potpourri and rose petals and dried pomegranates on the sand. It remains a mystery. Photos of Bee & Katy enacting an engagement scene to follow.

7. I got drunk. The first time I've ever been certifiably intoxicated and not just tipsy. It was okay except for the room spinning when I closed my eyes. For once I was the one being mocked instead of the one doing the mocking. What has become of the Jessmonster?

8. We visited the Lewis and Clark statue where they gaze towards the ocean and make notes in their journals. Someone shared the fact that Meriwether committed suicide after the trip, but William went on to do great things, as it were, politically. While looking at the statue from a distance I proclaimed the man on the left to be Lewis, as he looked more melancholic, and lo, as we approached and saw the inscription I was proved right. It was a proud, proud moment. I didn't actually take a picture of the statue, just random things around it. To follow.

9. We tried on goofy hats, a must on any seaside jaunt.

10. We finished off our trip with breakfast at a bank-turned-bagel shop. Bronwen's keen eyes had spotted the bagel sign the day before, and as we approached we were all struck with a realization: the sign says bagels, but if that wasn't built to be a bank you could've knocked me over with a seagull. I didn't quite manage to capture the bank-spirit in the pictures, until we went to the bathroom and passed the vault entrance. Thinly veiled behind a screen. Photographic evidence to ensue.

The End. I will now go back to talking about normal life, having squeezed as much blog fodder out of 49 hours off work as is humanly possible. Okay, I could have squeezed harder but I'm not going to lower my standards that much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like much fun - can I go next year? :)

6:13 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

totally you can come next year!

10:36 AM  

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