Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Summer wasting

I'm back on a blueberry picking binge. I don't quite know what to do with all of them. But I can't resist going with Q and Mrs. K.

Q: "Go on a walk now. Come on." She comes over and takes me by the hand.
Me: "Really?"
Q: "YES."

I was picking in a bush today, totally surrounded by branches, with all sorts of things falling into my pail (don't you wish I had a blueberry pail like Sal? So the berries would go kerplunk? But I don't. Just a plastic container. I lie sometimes). And when I came out, the bobby pin I'd put in my hair this morning was missing. Sorry, Katy. I stole a bobby pin and sacrificed it to the Blueberry Patch of Eternal Memory. (Shouldn't there be a St. Someone of the Blueberry Patch? An agrarian, peasant saint perhaps?)

Most of the berries are small and shriveled now, but they're sweeter than at the beginning of the summer. Seems appropriate - they start out huge and not quite sweet, like the summer, and as we get closer to fall the berries throw out a last hurrah of tiny sweetness. Summer's almost over, but at least the berries are sweet. And the blackberries are getting ripe...

Bee and Soph are apparently considering a food blog. With lots of people posting recipes and ideas, perhaps on themes. I say do it. The sooner the better, cause I need some ideas.

Speaking of themes, Bee and I had a conversation somewhat like this last night on the phone.

B: "We could make a nice dinner out of the french fries and mozzarella-tomato-pesto salad at Lauro. What do you think of my scheme?"
J: "What do I think of your theme?"
B: "No, scheme."
J: "Ah. Theme would've been funny. 'Tonight out theme is Mediterranean...'"

So we did. We had what I later referred to as a "balanced" meal of french fries (or pommes frites if you want to get all fancy like the menu), buttery mozzarella and juicy tomatoes, white wine, and port fig ice cream (from Pix - "pretty much perfect") for dessert. A balanced meal involving french fries? I think that should be our new theme.


Blogger BabelBabe said...

I just read Blueberries for Sal for the first time to my kids. What struck me was how nonchalant they all were - - "Hohum, a bear. Suppose I should run away...humdehum..."

7:59 AM  

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