Friday, March 31, 2006

books, books, books

I just spent the last half hour or so in incredible nerdiness, and now feel compelled to share it with you all. First, since I was putting away my new book purchases, I thought it would be as good a time as any to rearrange my bookshelves. I've been feeling a sense of shame over them not being properly organized* so I had at it. Paperback fiction in order by author, then title. Hardcover fiction, children's paperbacks, children's hardcover, ditto. Picture books, poetry, ditto. Non-fiction grouped by subject, in no particular order. Some paperbacks aren't in order because they're stacked on the bottom, dusty shelf so I can squeeze more in. I realized I own a shocking number of books that I've never read (either given to me or picked up at the library booksale for $1 each) and am determined to do something about that.

Then, while I was on the subject of reading, I thought I'd tally up how many books I've read recently. I started writing down each title in my notebook around December of 2004, I think, maybe a bit sooner. Anyway, the grand total for 2005 was an even 80. Forty-seven were children's items (not counting picture books, I'm not that bad) and 33 adult. Thirteen were books I was rereading. That's a book every four or five days, if I do the math right. In the first three months of 2006, I've got 37 titles - 23 juv, 14 adult, and 5 of those rereads. A book every two or three days, I believe. In other words, as long as I don't slack off, I'll beat my 2005 record.

The funny thing is that I know some people will read this and think, "oh my God, she spends so much time reading." And other people will think, "so what? I read 365 books last year." Some people will roll their eyes at the fact that I 1) keep track of what I read and 2) spent the time tallying it up. Others will think, "ooh, I should tally up what I've read!" Please proceed with whichever reaction is appropriate. Have some chocolate, while you're at it.

Has anyone read The History of Love? Should I make an effort to get into it?

*Totally, completely, 100% kidding about this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read that and thought "oh, i need to update my 2006 books i've read" list. :)

i haven't yet had the urge to reorganize my shelves, though. that would require effort and much standing on a chair and/or dresser.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Am I really a nerd for organizing my bookshelves???

I started reading A History of Love a few months ago. I had a hard time getting into it (only the first 20 pages or so). I eventually moved on to another book. I plan on giving it another shot - maybe I wasn't in the right frame of mind for that type of book. This probably wasn't much help...

4:43 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

No, no, we're not nerds. Everyone does it, right? SOME people even catalog them.

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jess! nerdiness abounds.

i reorganized my bookshelves while i was home this vacation, and entered them all into an excel spreadsheet. the grand total, including poetry, non-fiction (inc. literary criticism & art history), travel, teen, kids', and the all-consuming fiction, was 758.

now the question is, do i have too many books? and if the answer is yes, then i'm screwed for the rest of my life, because i can't seem to stop buying them.

sometime today, i'll post a photo on my livejournal of all my bookshelves.

by the way, congratulations on getting into your school! when do you start?

12:09 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

You've totally got me beat, Laura. I spend much more time in libraries than bookstores. Please put a picture up!

I start school in September.

6:27 PM  
Blogger BabelBabe said...

Whomever can you be speaking of, Jess? : )

8:16 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Wow, do I feel like and under-achiever

10:50 AM  

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