days are getting shorter
According to Google, it's 90 degrees. In other words, summer has arrived. For the longest time it didn't feel like June. I'd say that, and whoever was around would say, "oh, but it's always cool and rainy in June." It wasn't that. It just didn't have that almost summer feel. Now it does. My hands smell like tomatoes and feta cheese, I've been laying on the living room floor, reading Spook and getting covered in dog hair from the rug. It's too hot to feel very hungry, and too hot to seriously contemplate the bundt cake I'm making for Kate's shower tomorrow.
I love summer, and I love to complain about it.
Photo caption: Jess in "Lord of the Flies"
Tomotoes and feta cheese? Is that some kind of sick joke? Those are two of the toppings on the most vile pizza in existance(which you'd probably like...)
At Pietro's, feta is known as fumunda cheese, because it's "fumunda there." Where ever "there" is, it's not a happy place to be.
is spook good? I loved her first one but haven't gotten to spook yet.
Hmm, it is rather LotF.
Something tells me that Pietro's doesn't use best quality feta. It's a beautiful cheese, in the right situation. My favorite pizza has feta, tomatoes, olives, garlic, and artichoke hearts. FYI.
Spook is excellent so far. She's cracking me up. And none of the eww factor of Stiff, unless you count that chapter on ectoplasm.
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