I suppose I have a case of the Fridays. The work-tomorrow Fridays. Not that I can really complain since (ahem) I'll have next Saturday off, and half of the Saturdays for ever and ever until the world ends or my schedule changes again (I give it a year, tops).
I trained for my new job this morning and I couldn't. stop. yawning. Slightly embarrassing. Linking records in cataloging. Thrilling stuff. Although it was kind of fun to wield the power of the barcode and the pencil - noting call number and author, purchase date and price in the book. In other words,
writing in a library book. Awesome power and responsibility.
Then I did my holds sweep - pick up mine from children's (where my basket is still rather inconveniently but sentimentally located - I'm hoping no one notices and moves it because I need excuses to wander through children's now) and Kate's and Jeff's from the shelf behind the circ desk. I run quite the operation with all the to-ing and fro-ing of other people's library books.
Did I mention that I'm part of a book club? We're very casual. So casual that we barely discuss the books. Our first selection was Maniac Magee. Our second is The Phantom Tollbooth. (I have never read it. I need to erase this embarrassing fact from my life.) We have a Wednesday night 'meet after work and get some food and beer' ritual and one night Brooke suggested becoming a book club. And does that sound like something I'd pass up?
In other news, today I am a complete space cadet. I came home from training, but on the kettle, sat down at my laptop, and proceeded to completely forget that the stove was on. Kate discovered the smoking kettle after an unfortunate period of time. Time to go to the store, I suppose. Hmm, and maybe I should get some new sheets while I'm at it...
In book news, I'm reading
Headlong, which is hilarious and profoundly irritating all at once. I'm lapping up the art history stuff, and it's cracking me up, but there is something so repellent about watching people making horrible mistakes. Even if they're funny mistakes and it's a farce. Makes me feel ill. But now I have to see how it ends.