Monday, April 11, 2005

Going to the zoo zoo zoo*

I have the apartment to myself until the weekend. It feels weird. I spend a lot of time here alone, because of how different our work schedules are, but to know that no one else will be here? That all the messes are mine?

The first thing I did after Tyka left was clean the fridge. Not like "thank goodness she's gone, now I can clean this." It just happened. I'm like that. Instead of engaging in random acts of kindness, I engage in random acts of cleaning. And they're really random. The fridge is actually one of the cleaner parts of the apartment, and my time would be much better spent, say, emptying the dishwasher.

Don't let me forget to eat those grapefruit. I don't want any molding while I'm on the fruit watch. Oh, the responsibility!

Tomorrow I'm going to the Oregon Zoo with various peeps, including Q, her mom, her aunt (aunt! how is it possible that little A. is an aunt? She's still in high school! She was just a baby herself! I feel the universe folding in on itself!) and perhaps another mother & child. I met the mother once at a wedding (Q's godfather's, actually) at which she was approximately 3 months married and 2 months and 29 days pregnant. Or something like that; we didn't get into that much detail. I don't think I've ever met her child. I think it's a boy, and if I had to guess I would say that his name is Gabriel. Nice name. I hope they come so I can find out.

And I can't wait to see Q with all the animals, based on how excited she gets by pictures of animals and the horse that lives next to our church. They go regularly but I've never made it before.

*You can come, too too too...


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