Wednesday, September 14, 2005

death by wooden spoon

I'm in the book zone. The "oh, I have a computer?" zone. Blame two days without wireless access and constant companionship, plus a couple of 6 am flights and the Vacation Recovery Period. I've kicked the habit I guess. Or maybe just the addiction? I'm still here.

On the coffee table: The Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker
In the car (on tape, but of course): Eragon
Waiting for me in bed: The Historian
Waiting to be returned to the library: The Wonder Spot

I've got pictures, I've got stories, and I don't seem to have enough time. Can I just say, though, that I love sleeping in my own bed. And sleeping in - something that didn't really happen on vacation. Although I did sleep remarkably well at Lis' - especially considering I spent most of the night in 1/3 of a queen bed, until I woke up and realized Lis was on the couch and it was just Toni and I, and why on earth was I sleeping in the middle as though the mustard in a sandwich?

Well, I slept well apart from the dream about trying to kill a cat. I was supposed to kill it - it was crucial. I'd pick it up by the scruff of its neck and it would scratch and claw and I'd throw it out the window, several floors up. It would sneak back into the house and I'd throw it out again. I got so frustrated that it wouldn't die that I picked up a wooden spoon and whacked it on the head several times. It wouldn't die. The End.


Blogger Jess said...

It was not an appropriate Jess activity. It was very disturbing. Especially the thunk of the spoon on its head. Your cats are safe, Annie.

10:21 AM  
Blogger Bronwen said...

someday we need to get together and read all of the ridiculous dreams we had/wrote down in ireland. remember how knew that the light-bulb wasn't really doubting thomas's head, but a modern fake? you're just so smart!

2:18 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Doubting Thomas was my shining dream moment. All other dreams only aspire to be that great.

We do need to compile them. Or at least read them over and get a good chuckle.

9:20 AM  
Blogger BabelBabe said...

Hey Jess - My two-year-old just saw your picture and said, "That you, Mama?"

Weirdly, I do look somewhat similar, except I wear glasses. And I used to wear my hair exactly like that but now I am too lazy and it's long. I have been contemplating chopping it all off lately, and you may have inspired me.

So not to freak you out that I am going to "single white female" you : ) but I thought it was funny. Jude thought you were me.

Maybe we are long lost relatives of some distant sort : )

8:18 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

How funny, BB - the one in San Francisco? And I do have glasses myself - I just generally wear contacts. Chopping one's hair off is so fun. Maybe it's just all the books that make us look alike - or the library air.

10:11 AM  
Blogger BabelBabe said...

Yeah, the San Fran Peaceful Jessmonster one.

I used to wear my contacts all the time but being pregnant did something weird to my eyes and they are not comfortable anymore.

Maybe the library thing is the common denominator. Too funny : )

10:59 AM  

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