Monday, April 25, 2005

A brief history of my life

Perhaps the most creative period of my life EVER - using new vocab in sentences in high school English. Yes, that was my creative peak. I look back on it fondly. I had the same teacher twice and each week we had to memorize words - and be able to use them. We had to use each word in a sentence and turn it in. I must have had some excess energy then, whatever wasn't being used up by dancing, and I decided to go above and beyond. I relished going above and beyond. I would create the most complex sentences I was capable of, and nearly all of them were graced with elaborately named individuals participating in the action. I referred constantly to the dictionary of names at the back of our mammoth black dictionary. I labored over those sentences. Oh the joy.

And then I became an English major.

The End.


Blogger toni said...

I have such fond memories of high school english as well. i, as well, had the same teacher twice. freshman year and senior year. oh, i did love her so. on registration day when i went to sign up for her class senior year she said, "where's devin?" because she remembered us as friends from freshman year! i said, "she's in the last registration group, could you save a space for her?" there ended up being five or six of my good friends in that class and we had tons of fun.

however... speaking of vocab words... once i let a friend who shall remain nameless copy my vocab homework. i let people copy my homework in high school all the time. as often as they asked. i had no qualms. however, this friend didn't have the sense to make up her own unique sentences. she just went ahead and used mine. we got called to talk to the teacher and the friend took all the blame (i'm not sure how she pulled that off because clearly i had participated enough to give my homework to my friend to copy) and i didn't get in trouble.

3:28 AM  

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