Thursday, April 21, 2005


I got off work half an hour early tonight, because a $4,000 machine made a pop like a balloon and stopped working. Nice, huh? I could've used the hours, but I think that extra half hour of daylight was worth it. It was GORGEOUS when I drove home. One of those days where all of a sudden everything is green and the air is fresh, and the clouds over Mt. Hood look like snow being blown off. I love the view on my new commute - the highway sweeps up and gives you a downtown skyline, the perfect arch of a bridge, the west hills, a mountain, a sunset.

I came home, walked to New Seasons, smelled all the delicious restaurant smells along the way, and got some serious non-vegan cravings. Earlier I was thinking that I'm not quite ready for Lent to end - I don't feel in it enough. But there's nothing like a trip to the grocery store to make you change your mind and think "hey, food! Bacon! Ice cream! Milk! Chicken!" Yup.

Then I ate my dinner & watched Wilby Wonderful (thumbs up) with the door left open, even after dark. I adore spring weather.


Blogger Marybeth said...

I'm having those non-vegan cravings, too. This morning, it was sausage gravy biscuit from Popeye's...but the really bad one I'm having is barbeque ribs. Gotta get me some ribs. Man...I feel guilty.

12:44 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Don't mention ribs around my roommate...she might start gnawing on mine!

Ooh, biscuits - I'll add that to the list.

10:14 PM  

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