Thursday, April 21, 2005

Getting all churchy on you

Here I am. See?

Just moments ago I attempted some self-portraits with earring, but the battery on Tyka's camera died. How dare you? Leave a camera with a low battery? When I might need to take self-portraits?

I have to say, I love earrings. I love that I am now the proud owner of eight pairs, seven of them gifts. I love you! You and your gifts of earrings, dear people. My heart swells with joy. The latest bundle to arrive in the mail (mail! I love mail too!) is from receptionista and they are lovely. Some, I believe, she made herself. Thank you!

In other news, that week of weeks is rapidly approaching on winged feet. Last year it was fantastic because when I asked for Good Friday off, my manager said "sure, and don't you have a few personal days to use?" which was the first I'd heard about personal days, only having worked there a few months. So I ended up just working Monday and Tuesday and then I could attend all the services my heart desired. And the weather was gorgeous and sunny, and lo, it was good.

This year, I work. My personal days were gobbled up long ago. I wrangled Friday off, and Wednesday evening, which is good, but I'm a little worried about not feeling involved enough. Holy Week is all about losing yourself in what's happening, feeling like you live at church, staying in that mindset. I'm not sure how well I can sustain that over the days I have to work through services. Whenever I cut church, I feel like I'm missing something. Not like I'm sneaking off to do something better.

Next up: this Saturday is Lazarus Saturday. I love* Lazarus Saturday. First because it's that first step into Holy Week - "okay, we're getting serious now! Lent is over! Time to pack your bags and move to church!" - and also because how freaking cool is it that the person Jesus raised from the dead was his friend? Yes, his sisters needed him and he did it for them, too, but his friend! I've always loved that, being attached to my friends.

Mary and her sister came to meet them, crying bitterly,
"Lord, where wert Thou? For he whom Thou lovest has departed,
And lo, he is not here."
As they cried out these words, He, himself, wept.
But he asked, "Where is the tomb of my friend?"

I love this stuff! Now you see why I use "lo" in sentences.

Oh. This I don't like so much:

According to an ancient tradition, it is said that Lazarus was thirty years old when the Lord raised him; then he lived another thirty years on Cyprus and there reposed in the Lord. It is furthermore related that after he was raised from the dead, he never laughed till the end of his life, but that once only, when he saw someone stealing a clay vessel, he smiled and said, "Clay stealing clay." His grave is situated in the city of Kition, having the inscription: "Lazarus the four days dead and friend of Christ."

Well, the no laughing part I don't like. But ah, the gentle humor (via ancient tradition) of Lazarus.

Oh this, this I love:

We understand now that it is because He wept, i.e., loved His friend Lazarus and had pity on him, that He had the power of restoring life to him. The power of Resurrection is not a Divine "power in itself," but the power of love, or rather, love as power. God is Love, and it is love that creates life; it is love that weeps at the grave and it is, therefore, love that restores life...

*Rundown of things I "love" in this post:
how many I have received as gifts
the people who have given them to me
Lazarus Saturday


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